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Find advice and tips for healthy living

Healthy Eating over the festive season

The festive season is one of good cheer and I think it is safe to say that after the last couple of years, we could all do with a bit more of that. Unfortunately, the indulgence of parties or staying in and watching Christmas TV can all put a strain on your waistline, and as a result, your health. However, this does not mean that you have to deprive yourself

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Facts Myths concept

Diabetes Myths and Facts

As many people with Diabetes may know there are MANY Diabetes myths! Once others discover that you have diabetes, you will receive a LOT of conflicting information. In fact, many websites may also provide you with plenty of ‘useful’ information, which is actually more harmful than beneficial. In order to separate truth from fiction and therefore help you manage your diabetes more effectively, I have compiled a list of some

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Doctor checking glucose level in diabetic patient

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

What is Type 2 Diabetes and how does it occur? Type 2 Diabetes occurs when the level of glucose (sugar) in your bloodstream becomes too high. All carbohydrates – breakfast cereals, bread, crackers, rice, pasta and potatoes – are all converted in to glucose (sugar) when they are digested by the body. This is completely normal and happens whether you have diabetes or not. This glucose enters the bloodstream and

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Make a healthy diet part of your life… New Year New You!

How to make a healthy diet part of your life, not just a January fad! I think it’s safe to say that no-one is going to be too sorry to see the back of 2020. But what is 2021 going to bring? Unfortunately, I can’t answer that. What I can tell you though, is that now is the time to get a plan in place to make sure it is as healthy

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what is your risk of diabetes

What is your risk of diabetes?

Have you ever wondered what your risk of Diabetes is? If not, it might be worth thinking about it. “Why?”…I hear you ask. Type 2 Diabetes is becoming ever more prevalent in the Western World, with statistics showing that 1 person was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes every 2 minutes in the UK in 2019. Yes, one every 2 minutes! Does that statistic shock you? It should! 4.7 million people

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 Dietary Advice For Diabetes 

Resident registered dietitian Heather Daniels gives her dietary advice for diabetes with tips and pointers for how to better manage your condition.  Managing your Diabetes well should always be a priority.  However, the current situation has put this into much sharper focus for many people, as we now know that one in four people (26%) who have died in hospital in England following a diagnosis of coronavirus had diabetes. It is thought

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healthy packed lunch with vegetables

Packing a Diabetes-friendly Lunchbox

If you are anything like me, you dread the thought of making packed lunches. Being a working mum with small children, life goes by in a blur of cooking, washing and tidying. Making time for oneself seems to be the first thing out of the window when there is so much to do and grabbing something quick (or nothing at all) seems to be an easier option. However, as with

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healthy chicken and broccoli packed lunch

Back to Packed Lunches with a Healthy Bang!

Yes – it’s that time of year. The long, lazy summer days are now behind us and it’s back to school time once again. The uniforms have been washed and ironed, new shoes bought and waiting by the front door; but what about the dreaded packed lunch? As a working mum of three small children, I know only too well that thinking of healthy and yet exciting packed lunch ideas

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Find out your risk of diabetes